Where is my vehicle?
With a street address, you can send human readable delivery updates to customers, store route data and more.
Reverse geocoding is the process of converting geographic coordinates such as latitude and longitude into a human-readable address.
With reverse geocoding, you can see the actual names of places on your maps instead of just numbers and letters. Imagine being able to see 'Delicious Curry House' or 'Gorgeous Tea Estate' on your map instead of just 'Latitude: 12.9716° N, Longitude: 77.5946° E'.
Use with or without our maps and get custom plans and SLAs on demand. You can also store response data forever!
All our servers run on SSDs, and our response times are less than 100 ms. Our Data Centers are located in 3 continents for lower latencies.
From New York to Tokyo, get world-wide coverage powered by open and proprietary data.
Start with our generous free tier and save money when you grow with our affordable volume plans.
Reverse geocoding is a process of converting geographic coordinates into a human-readable address. Reverse geocoding is often used in applications that involve mapping or location-based services, such as navigation apps, to convert the user's current location into a recognizable address. This can be useful for providing directions, finding nearby businesses or points of interest, and other location-based tasks.
Yes you can use the Reverse Geocoding API for free! We allow a generous free tier of 5000 requests per day. Sign up for a free account here.
We have detailed documentation on how to use the Reverse Geocoding API here. You can also write to us for help.
Yes! You can store response data forever. If you have a free account, you can also cache API request-response pairs for upto 48 hours. If you're a customer, cache request-response pairs for as long as you're a customer! :-)
You can use our free plan in commercial projects if you spread the love by adding a link to us on your website or app in this format: "Search by LocationIQ.com"! Please also read our Terms of Use. Other than that, not much else. :-)
Reverse geocoding accuracy is measured in terms of the level of address received from the geocoding service. For a given pair of coordinates,
LocationIQ is an API-first platform. If you’re comfortable using the API, you can send multiple addresses concurrently. The number of concurrent API calls depends on your plan with us. The free plan allows you to query upto 2 API calls per second but we can scale all the way upto 30,000 API calls per second.